Introducing the Novel...

1. About the author:
Provide information about the author of the story- this helps to engage the students in the novel they will be reading throughout the unit.
-       Natalie Savage Carlson was born in Kernstown, Virginia in 1906
-       Raised on a Maryland farm and went to a boarding school similar to the ones in the novel
-       Her family moved to California where she attended public school
-       And after she graduated, she was a reporter for the Long Beach Sun
-       She married and had two daughters
-       Spending three years in Paris inspired her to write many novels set in Paris such as “The Family under the    


2. The novel is set in Paris, France.
Provide background information about where the novel is set and the basic terminology that will be used throughout the novel.
  • show map of Country and city (ex. take out homework books with maps in back, or if accessible, use google earth for a virtual tour of Country.
  • share information about France
-       capital of france
-       coutry’s largest city
-       situated on the Seine River
-       estimated population of 2,167,994

  • show pictures of city, famous landmarks

Examples of some relevant pictures and information of Paris, France.


The Eiffel Tower

The France Flag

A map of France


 The Notre Dame Cathedral

Information to share- began building  in 1160 and finished in 1345. It is known for its purity of lines, the decorations, and the balance of proportions. On the front of the building, there are three doorways (portals) and two towers 69 metres in height.  The top of the building is made from oak covered with lead and is 90 metres high.

Seine River

Information to share - divides paris in two: the right bank and the left bank. Notre dame is in the middle of the river, where Armand bought flowers. Slow flowing major river, main tourist attraction


Information to share- most popular art museum in Paris, central landmark, located on the right bank of the Seine River

3. Introduce commonly used Vocabulary:

Hobo- a homeless person
Baby buggy- a small bag on wheels to help carry stuff around
Hidey-hole- a place for hiding something or yourself in, especially away from other people
Gypsy- a member of a traveling people with dark skin and hair who speak Roman and live by seasonal work, and fortune telling. Found mostly in Europe
Buttresses- support of stone or brick built against a wall
Father Christmas- Santa Clause of France
Quay- a concrete, stone, or metal platform lying alongside or projecting into water for loading and unloading ships
Cobblestones- a small, round stone of a kind formerly used to cover road surfaces